MIP 88 - Oku Crosschain Deployment Support

Great questions, @antonttc! Happy to provide more context.

The Morpho team will, for the time being, deploy all instances of Morpho.

GFX is providing a user interface so that users can easily access those smart contracts. Our formidable task is to build the absolute best Morpho UI/UX possible, and also to help expand Morpho to new chains with the most possible support from those chains. GFX is already fielding a lot of inbounds about this.

Oku will offer users the highest quality experience possible. Compare Oku.trade to the default UI for accessing Uniswap. Expect comparable improvements. Our goal (and incentive in this proposal) is to hit $100m TVL in the new deployments, and as quickly as possible. Then exceed that number.

Oku has a broad network of relationships. It currently supports DEXs and bridging on 24 chains, with 30 by the end of February. GFX is already getting requests from existing partners, wanting to know what they need to do to secure a Morpho deployment, or if they were already on the announced list, how to secure a safe, professional user interface quickly.

It’s worth remembering that this is not one piece of work and then it’s done. GFX Labs would be joining the Morpho ecosystem permanently. Just as Oku has continuously improved and developed new features for Uniswap users, the Morpho community should expect any Morpho UI we launch to significantly improve by day 180 post launch, and then again by the one year anniversary, and so on. The work will be ongoing, because we want users to keep coming back to Morpho to meet their lending and borrowing needs.

The existing Morpho front end is not public to our knowledge.

Because Oku is a front end, we don’t want to make it easier for phishing to target users. It’s very common to clone a website, buy some Google ads or seed some malicious links in forums/discords, and then rob users. We also don’t want clones that will end up broken or abandoned, and provide a bad UX. Oku takes a team to maintain, and robust back end infrastructure.

We would be happy to grant the Morpho team access to the front end code, and back end parts that are relevant to Morpho, however.

The first priority is to get an MVP ready for rapid deployment to the many chains who want a fully functional, accessible Morpho instance yesterday. As we point out earlier, the work doesn’t stop there. This will be an integral part of Oku’s offering to users, and we need to continuously improve on it, just as we have with the swapping and bridging and fiat on/off ramping features.

We are a US-based team. For cost comparisons, please refer to the Uniswap Foundation grant we received.

Overall, we want to emphasize that this is not tossing up a simple UI and calling it a day. It’s a commitment to make Morpho a core part of Oku, making Morpho’s success or failure our own.