MIP60 - Introducing Morpho Olympics - Rewarding MetaMorpho Vault Curators

Here are the results for the first edition of the Morpho Olympics grants. The Total Supply evaluation covers the period from June 1st to July 31st. Here are the vault owners who had a total supply of more than $2M (the first threshold to be eligible for a grant) during this period:

Vault Owners Total Supply (USD) Corresponding Threshold Grant (MORPHO)
Gauntlet 80M 75M 375,000
Steakhouse Financial 64M 50M 250,000
Block Analitica/B.Protocol 51M 50M 250,000
RE7 Labs 51M 50M 250,000
Moonwell 18M 15M 75,000
LeadBlock 4M 2M 10,000
LlamaRisk 2M 2M 10,000

Congrats to all the owners who made it to the list!

Grants will start being distributed by the end of August, following a one-year linear vesting schedule.

The next assessment will be on October 31st.