Adding WBTC as collateral on Steakhouse steakETH


This proposal announces the submission of WBTC as collateral on steakETH for Ethereum.


WBTC is already used in most of our vaults and adding it to steakETH could lead to a better yield.

Market details

The market is already deployed and is used by Gauntlet, Block Analitica/B. Protocol and MEV Capital.

Supply Cap: 10k ETH

Next steps

Please feel free to comment or ask any question in this thread or via DMs.

As always, Steakhouse vault holders can easily veto any change using the Aragon guardian over the next 7 days, which follows the best-in-class risk standard for lenders.

For reference, here is the Aragon DAO links where users can wrap their vault token and create a vote:

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