Disclaimer: Morpho vaults under the curator brand Steakhouse Financial are curated by Carniciera Tropical Inc., incorporated in Panama. Read further disclaimers on our website.
After the success of the Steakhouse Morpho product line and its broad adoption as core borrow/lend infrastructure for blue-chip collateral, we are excited to announce our second product line: Smokehouse vaults. It is starting with Smokehouse USDC (bbqUSDC) and Smokehouse DAI (bbqDAI).
Smokehouse vaults are for frontiersmen and women who are not afraid of exotic collateral types. It will use a wide range of collateral to allow vaults to be exposed to the most diverse possible types of borrowing activity. Like all our vaults, it is non-custodial and users should perform their risk analysis by themselves before depositing.
The Smokehouse vault keeps all the great features of other Steakhouse vaults:
- 3-day timelock allowing people to exit if a new collateral is not fitting their risk tolerance
- On-chain Aragon DAO Guardians to allow all depositors to veto any significant action made by the curator:
- State of the art programmatic reallocation system
Fees are set to 5%, but might be changed with no warning. From time to time, the vault could be temporarily (typically hours) in a state of illiquidity, but this should happen only in periods of heightened borrowing activity.
Enjoy responsibly.