Re7 Labs Delegate Platform

Delegate Address: 0x187620a61f4f00Cb629b38e1b38BEe8Ea60d2B8D



About Re7 Labs

Re7 has been providing liquidity in DeFi since 2019 having deployed over $300m of assets. We bring practical experience to risk management from years of managing stablecoin and ETH yield strategies as well as further strategies like our Liquid Token fund. As DeFi-native managers, we have focused on enabling yield strategies, providing early liquidity to various DeFi protocols, and have worked with teams throughout the space on a close basis to grow DeFi liquidity while managing risk.

From our experience deploying capital we bring a unique perspective to risk management as practitioners and power users of DeFi. We have built extensive tooling to provide a deep view into risks in the market including liquidity monitoring, price alerts and a large suite of custom analytics tools. This has allowed us to stay on top of the ever-changing DeFi market.

In addition to leveraging our experience for risk management, we bring an extensive rolodex of DeFi teams and have worked with over 500 projects across DeFi for liquidity provision and advisory. This has involved deployment on over 15 chains and dealing with all kinds of conditions within DeFi.

Re7 and Morpho

Re7 has been supporting Morpho since the start and we remain committed to its growth by being active delegates in Morpho governance discussions. Re7 Labs has launched and curated around 20 vaults representing over $50m in supply assets. Each vault offers suppliers access to lending markets with diverse risk profiles. Our curation approach centers on ensuring these vaults meet stringent risk guidelines, attract the DeFi community, and remain robust against the inherent volatility of crypto markets.

Examples of vaults we currently curate on Morpho include: Re7 WETH (Ethereum), Re7 USDT (Ethereum), Re7 WETH (Base), Morpho eUSD (Base), Pyth ETH (Base), etc.


We are actively involved as delegates and contributors in other DAOs. Any relevant conflicts of interest will be publicized when needed.

Waiver of Liability

By delegating to Re7 Labs, you acknowledge and agree that Re7 participates on a best efforts basis and will not be liable for any form of damages related to its involvement in Morpho governance.

Here is a summary of our recent voting and positions on MIPs over the last two months.

We voted for MIP-80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85 and 87. We abstained from MIP-86 and its amendment.

Further reasoning and links to individual posts on the governance thread are as follows: