Approve sending the license fee from Berachain to the Morpho Association.
Per MIP-83, the Morpho Association was instructed to finalize the commercial terms of a license for the Berachain Foundation to deploy a fork of the Morpho Protocol on the Berachain network.
While the original proposal posted by the Berachain Foundation to the Morpho forum described sending the license fees to the DAO, receiving and holding assets in the DAO treasury could create tax risk for tokenholders in various jurisdictions. While issues of this kind will need to be comprehensively addressed in relation to future fee switch activation of the Morpho Protocol, work on this topic is not yet complete. Note that this receipt of license fees is likely to be a one-time event, since in the future the DAO will expand to other chains via the deployments framework specified in MIP-87.
The Morpho Association suggests that the DAO approve sending of the license fees from Berachain to the Morpho Association. Note that the Morpho Association is a French nonprofit that exists solely for the purpose of supporting the Morpho protocol.
Should the DAO approve this proposal, 100% of this grant will be allocated to efforts to support and enhance the Morpho Protocol, helping to reduce the amount of MORPHO spent on development work and operations such as frontend hosting.
Next Steps
If approved, the Berachain Foundation will be directed to send license fees directly to the Morpho Association.